
Diastema is a space or gap between two teeth. Many species of mammals commonly between the incisors and molars. The term is most commonly applied to an open space between the upper incisors (front teeth).

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Diastema refers to a space or gap between two teeth, commonly found between the upper front teeth (incisors). This spacing can result from an unequal relationship between tooth size and jaw structure, exacerbated by factors like a labial frenulum, tongue thrusting, or periodontal diseases.


Diastema arises from an imbalance in tooth and jaw proportions. Contributing factors may include the presence of a labial frenulum, tongue thrusting, or the spreading of teeth due to periodontal diseases


There are two main approaches to treating diastema:

1. Orthodontic Treatment (Braces): This involves moving the teeth orthodontically to close the gap. The correction process typically spans 10-12 months.

2. Cosmetic Treatment (Porcelain Veneers or Metal-Free Crowns): Porcelain veneers are thin porcelain pieces applied directly over tooth surfaces after minimal preparation. This option allows for the closure of spaces without braces. The treatment enhances the overall smile by altering the color, shape, and size of teeth. The significant advantage of porcelain veneers is the completion of treatment in two painless visits.


1. How to close gaps between the teeth?

- Gaps can be closed either orthodontically with braces or cosmetically using porcelain laminates, lumineers, or metal-free crowns. The choice depends on the nature of the spacing issue.

2. What is cosmetic treatment or Smile designing?

- Smile designing is an artistic approach to aligning teeth and enhancing smiles. It involves designing crowns to close gaps, and procedures like laminates and lumineers achieve gap closure, color change, and shape alteration when teeth are properly aligned.

3. What is the investment required in terms of time?

- Orthodontic correction typically takes 7-8 months, while cosmetic correction can be achieved within 7-10 days.

4. Is the procedure painful?

- The procedure involves numbing tissues and teeth, ensuring a painless experience during and after the treatment.

5. Will the new teeth look Natural?

- Cosmetic treatments utilize CAD CAM technology and metal-free materials (porcelain/zirconia) for a precise fit and natural translucency.

6. Can any nearest dentist do the procedure?

- Cosmetic dentistry requires in-depth knowledge of esthetic principles, experience in handling superior materials, and expertise in treatment sequencing. A dentist with a Master’s degree and considerable experience is recommended for optimal results.

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